021-32275001-3 info@innolytix.com.pk       

Established in 1996 with an aim to provide high-quality pharmaceuticals products at affordable prices, SantePrivate Limited began their journey with a handful of Eye Care products. Within a short time, Sante introduced an impressive range of high-quality ophthalmic products. Then Sante gradually expanded to Dermatology, ENT and general medical segments. The industry bestowed its trustand confidence on Sante by accepting and applauding the quality. With a focus to develop and market a hi-tech line of products at affordable prices that would bring relief to the sufferers, Sante is determined to expand its operations internationally through collaborations with strategic partners.

Being a pharmaceutical company, Sante has multiple remote locations with a large sales force and other administrative staff. This makes the IT at the Pharmaceutical company difficultto manage concerning to the staff using different devices and accessing work when out of the office, data security concerns, keeping software always updated, Emails and calendars are not linked, teams unable to collaborate and work on the same document, time and cost for business meetings.

To overcome these challenges, Innolytix Pakistan provided the Microsoft 365 solution that will help their business improve cybersecurity, reduce costs, and empower employees to work from anywhere. Microsoft 365 solution will enable the staff atthe Pharmaceutical company to be pro-ductive from anyplace with the ease to collaborate using Office applications, share documents in the cloud, connect via email and calendar, and even host meetings. Not limited to this, M365 helps safeguard business data with built-in security features whereas, it facilitates to streamline IT setup, management, and costs with a single productivity solution.

We thank the management at Sante Private Limited for partnering up with Innolytix Pakistan for the licensing and deployment of this project.