021-32275001-3 info@innolytix.com.pk       

A consortium of six major banks and entrepreneurs from the private sector, NIFT – National Institutional Facilitation Technologies (Pvt.) Limited is responsible for the efficient and safe operation of Automated Cheque Clearing System and provision of Public Key Infrastructure for issuance of digital certificates to promote sound financial transactions and to offer services which bring efficiency and convenience in the operations of their customers. Not limited to this, NIFT also provides Digital Payment Gateway solution and turn-key solutions for financial and non-financial institutions with its support available across the country.

To cope with the high growth of the banking industry and with modern day needs, NIFT is also gearing up for this change and evaluating the shifting market dynamics for the provision of most advanced and acceptable financial services in the country. In this context, NIFT has recently signed Innolytix Pakistan for enhancing their technology infrastructure by inducting H3C Network Switches and Servers which provide super expandability and configuration agility required by modern data centers.

H3C being the new wave of scientific and technological revolution is committed to become the most reliable partner for customer business innovation and digital transformation.

Having Innolytix Pakistan as their partners alongside, H3C has sealed their most sizeable project yet in the southern region of Pakistan. For this we are thankful to the management of NIFT for choosing us & signing this project.