The Barrett Hodgson University (BHU) is a private university whose main campus is located in Karachi was established in 2016. BHU offering multiple courses in Engineering, Management Sciences and Life Sciences. BHU new campus is about to launch at Toba Tek Singh the city where they have already successfully running Barrett Hodgson College. For establishing IT infrastructure in this new university campus they were evaluating high performance and ultra-simplified IT infrastructure solution which are scalable and give them higher TCO/ROI and after evaluating different options they have finally chosen Sangfor Complete HCI solution as well as to tackle the network inefficiency & risks and to get acurate traffic reports about Internet access activities, bandwidth consumption and access contents procure Sangfor vIAM solution along with vNGAF solution. For this whole Sangfor solution delivery BHU selected Innolytix Pakistan Private Limited (IPPL) and awarded this project to deliver this solution & provide them post solution delivery support & services at their Toba Tek Singh campus. We are grateful to the management of Barrett Hodgson University for the trust and confidence they have shown to IPPL and awarded this contract to us.
Barrett Hodgson University Chosen Complete Sangfor Stack HCI, vIAM & vNGAF Solution for their newly build Toba Tek Singh Campus.
Feb 29, 2020